Committee for Spatial Information

The State President signed the SDI Act into operation on 28 April 2006. Sections 1 to 11, 13 and 19 to 22 came into operation first. Once the regulation calling for nominations have been published and the CSI constituted, then the remaining sections will come into operation. Government Gazette number 28788, dated 28 April 2006 was published in which the Department of Land Affairs made a proclamation with regard to the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act, Act 54 of 2003. The contents of this document related to the invitation of written comments on the regulation calling for nominations for members of the Committee for Spatial Information (CSI). The gazette document was published for a period of 30 days. No significant comments were received. Subsequently, as the Department of Land Affairs has a new Minister, a new submission regarding the call for nominations had to be prepared and sent.

The Minister has signed and returned the submission. We are now in preperation to call for nominations of CSI members. The call for nominations will commence with the publishing of the regulation in the Government Gazette for a period of 30 days.

Department of Land Affairs


In terms of section 5(3) of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act, the Minister for Agriculture and Land Affairs, invites interested persons to nominate suitable candidates to serve as members of the Committee for Spatial Information.

The Committee consists of the following members appointed by the Minister:
(a) two persons in the full-time employ of the Department;
(b) one person in the full-time employment of each of-
       (i)     Statistics South Africa, as defined in section 1 of the
               Statistics Act, 1999(Act No. 6 of 1999);
       (ii)    the national department of Provincial and Local
               Government; and
       (iii)   such other national departments of state identified by
               the Minister;
(c) one person from each provincial government, in the full-time
     employ of such government;
(d) two persons in the full-time employ of local municipalities,          
     one of whom shall be from a municipality which is mainly rural  
     in character and the other from a municipality which is mainly
     urban in character;
(e) one person to represent the Council of Government Information
     Technology Officers;
(f) one person to represent a professional association of persons
    involved in Geographic Information Science;
(g) one person involved in the teaching or research of Geographic
     Information Science;
(h) at least one person to represent the interests of public entities
     contemplated in Schedules 2 and 3 to the Public Finance
     Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999) that performs                    
     functions which support the objects of this Act; and

(i) one person from each data custodian as identified by the

Appointments will be for a period of three years. Members will be required to strategically direct the development and implementation of the South African Spatial Data Infrastructure (SASDI) and to address matters related to spatial information, while ensuring that government investments in spatial information derives the maximum benefit.

 Nomination letters, accompanied by acceptance letter and a curriculum vitae of the persons nominated, should be received on or before 16:00 on 2 March 2007, by the Director General, Department of Land Affairs, Private Bag X833, PRETORIA, 0001

For more information, please contact Abigail Thabethe, tel. (012) 312-9560, email:

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