Data available from NGI

The latest NGI topographical vector data is available for download at


Browse the Apollo Catalog as follows:



Select either FileGeodatabase or GeoPackage and download from the download panel that appears at the bottom of the screen, you will need to provide your email address which will be used to send you the download link.


You will find both File Geodatabase and GeoPackage spatial databases for each provinces.  This is the first time that we make GeoPackage databases available. Geopackage  supports compound features, line point and area features contained within a single class datatype.


Hope you all find the GeoPackage datasets useful.


For further information contact:

Raoul Duesimi

Chief Professional Surveyor

Geo-spatial Information and Professional Support

Department: Rural Development & Land Reform

(t) 021 6584372/75 0361 (c) 0835789116

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