Dynamic GIS fuelled with geospatial data
by Bruce Chaplin, Intergraph
A Web-based data dissemination platform for climate-change risk and vulnerability
by Bolelang Sibolla, Anwar Vahed, Francois Engelbrecht, Mogesh Naidoo, Mugu Mtsetfwa, CSIR;and Ingo Simonis, International Geospational Services Institute
The status of GISc professionalism in South Africa
by Heindrich du Plessis, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Bespoken health system and spatial information dissemination tool
by Francois Venter, Gauteng Department of Health
The GIS content in the new FET Geography CAPS (curriculum) – brave or foolish
by Bridget Fleming, Bridge House College
Developing a spatial data infrastructure for the Coega IDZ: leveraging CAD data
by Graham Taylor, Coega Industrial Development Zone
Geospatial: industry, capability, or both?
by Trevor Venter, Optron
Analytics, mobility and GIS
by Magnus Rademeyer, AfriGIS
eLAND intelligent address location using hierarchical postcode structures
by Pierre Rossouw, SA Post Office
Multi-scale contextual classification of urban scenes from high resolution imagery
by Guy Blanchard Ikokou and Dr. George Sithole, University of Cape Town
Seeing beyond the picture, unleashing the power of imagery
by Stuart Martin, GeoTerraImage
Application of probabilistic graphical models for feature-based detection of invasive alien plants from satellite imagery
by Wisdom Dlamini, Swaziland National Trust Commission
Towards a Wide Area Alerting and Notification System
by Graeme McFerren and Derick Swanepoel, CSIR Meraka Insitute
GIS as an integration platform
by Rudolf de Munnik, Esri South Africa
CAMP for change in the Bojanala Region of North West Province
by Chris Vlok, UNISA and Jiri Panek, Palacky University in Olomouc
Mainstreaming the use of geographic information in a developing country context: examples from Rwanda
by Felicia Akinyemi, Kigali Institute of Science and Technology
GIS for business: Spatial analytics with spreadsheets
by Derek Diamond, Prime Thought Software Solutions
Asset location navigation on a small budget
by Derrick Wells, Eskom
Using augmented reality as an extension to utility GIS
by Gareth Nicholls, Powertech IST
Simulating spatial growth patterns in developing countries: An agent based modelling approach
by Justice Inkoom, University of Cape Coast
An overview of open source GIS implementations in South Africa
by Gavin Fleming, Afrispatial
The NPC objectives and spatial information
by Magnus Rademeyer, AfriGIS
How can private/public entities harness the potential of location based services through applications?
by Etienne Louw, mapIT
A guide to finding the right tools for asset collection and management tasks
by Johannes Hotz, Leica Geosystems
One dataset for all purposes – 3D mobile mapping for GIS, asset management and engineering design
by Altus Strydom, Global Geomatics
First results from landslide susceptibility modeling in the Western Cape Province, South Africa
by Zipho Tyoda and Jaco Kemp, Stellenbosch University and Jeanine Engelbrecht, Council for Geoscience
Analyzing anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature through temporal data collection
by McDonald Gregory Sitei, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Estimating background radiation levels on the West Coast Peninsula by means of geographical information system software
by Jacques Bezuidenhout,Stellenbosch University and Wilhelm Herbst, GISCOE
Mapping grade vs survey grade – managing expectations of mobile mapping systems
by Andrew Fuller, 3D Laser Mapping
The role of map projections in cartometric applications in geographic information systems
by Ivan Farayi Muzondo, Tshwane University of Technology
Maximising value – The key to successful asset maintenance with GNSS and geospatial software
by Lee Braybrooke, Trimble
Address location and verification using address location standards and POCATS hierarchy translation table
by Pierre Rossouw, South African Post Office
Open source GIS: An overview
by Cameron Shorter, LISASoft/OSGeo, and Gavin Fleming, AfriSpatial OSGeo
Infrastructure planning tool
by Graeme Engelbrecht, Information Decision Systems
Identifying the readiness of a spatially enabled government (SEG) through evaluating the status of an evolving spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for effective spatial planning for Free State Province
by Stephanus Minnie, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Case study: master data management roadmap
by Morena Letsosa, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Use of advisory expert system to enhance home-base care provided to HIV/AIDS patients
by Christine Mburu and Dr. Audrey Mbogho, University of Cape Town
Collaboration: Preparations for a geo-spatial information explosion in South Africa
by Ashwell Jenneker, Statistics South Africa