The Remote Sensing Special Interest Group (RS SIG), has been established for everybody with an interest and /or knowledge in the field. The idea is that anybody can ask and answer questions, share ideas, post articles or references to articles, that might be of interest to the Remote Sensing Community.
The Mining and Exploration Special Interest Group (ME SIG), has been established for everybody with an interest and /or knowledge in the field. The idea is that anybody can ask and answer questions, share ideas, post articles or references to articles, that might be of interest to the Mining and Exploration Community.
The Government Special Interest Group (GOV SIG), has been established for everybody with an interest and /or employed in government. The idea is that anybody can ask and answer questions, share ideas, post articles or references to articles, that might be of interest to Geo-information practitioners in Government.
This group lists initiatives by various organisations relating to Community Development and is for everybody with an interest and /or knowledge in the field. The idea is that anybody can ask and answer questions, share ideas, post articles or references to articles, that might be of interest to the role of GISc in Community Development.